It's becoming difficult for organizations to keep their corporate culture alive and convince their employees of the added value of face-to-face work. What if the work environment had a positive effect on their well-being? That's the challenge facing Béatrice Bissara, whose art installations have an impact on employees' perceptions. Known as "inner oscillations ", her creations have more than just an aesthetic purpose: they have an impact on concentration and decision-making.
For companies, employee well-being is no longer an incidental issue, especially since the health crisis: organizations need to redouble their ingenuity to retain their employees and get them to come back to the office.
Béatrice Bissara's original proposal could well help them do just that, bringing art into the office, and more: a sensory experience that opens up unknown and fertile spaces of consciousness. The artistic device she has created invites us to experience our presence at work in a different way, an ecology of consciousness and attention that stimulates everyone's potential.
In concrete terms, Béatrice Bissara's installations are motorized works composed of superimposed moving disks, whose gyrations are programmed according to a process of speed and meaning. The device is complemented by a musical composition and pulsating light broadcast at a set frequency, acting directly on the cerebral cortex and placing the individuals present in a state of particular receptivity.
Through synesthesia," explains the artist, "that is, through a combination of diverse sensory stimuli, I seek to draw the viewer out of their usual field of consciousness (mental and rational) into another state that reconnects them to themselves and their unusual perceptive faculties. Employees can experience an evolution in their perception, like a dilation of space and time that allows them access to other spaces of consciousness."
This experience can open up certain mental barriers, leading to a form of emancipating and lasting introspection, as Alain de Clémy, company director and art lover, explains: "The work itself is an object in which we project ourselves, in which we are absorbed. At some point, this absorption will come back to us, be reflected and enable us to reflect on something we're looking for and that we'll draw from deep inside ourselves. It's not an immediate conscious process; this projection takes place little by little.
Individual and collective benefits
As a joint project, Béatrice Bissara's art installations are an original team-building tool that encourages team cohesion and communication. In so doing, they foster collective intelligence and help to highlight corporate values. Above all, they bring people together and engage them in a unique project that invites those involved to perceive and feel in a place where the ordinary injunction is to design and produce.
Once the collaborative project has been completed and the work installed, employees will be able to benefit from its effects: the changes in perception brought about by these inner oscillations are likely to have a positive influence on concentration and decision-making. In addition to their aesthetic virtues and the intrinsic benefits of beauty, these works of art help employees to reconnect with themselves and with others. All the more reason to give new meaning to the "employee experience"!
About Béatrice Bissara
Béatrice Bissara is a French artist born in 1972 who lives and works in Paris. Her "Ecology of Consciousness" concept explores the "doors of perception" and beyond through works, moving installations, paintings and other artistic proposals for sensitive exploration. His creations have been regularly exhibited in France and abroad since 2005, and are part of collections in the USA, Canada, Asia, Russia and Europe (France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium...).